Thursday, April 20, 2006

This is not a crybaby blog

Ah, only 20-30 minutes until I can escape from this place!

Just wanting to make clear. I don´t intend this to be a depressive "Oh my god, she left me, life is painful, everything sucks" blog or diary. It´s just that I am a bit down now after my mothers far to premature death.

Of course normally I am depressed sometimes but then I atleast have the energy to have it in a kind of comical way.

It will be a cool evening, having a beer or two with a few mates while watching our footballteam AIK play in the Swedish cup (for the american reader - soccer). Might skip the beer and take a coffee instead, it´s bloody cold today. Snow in april, the 20th of april!

Going to start checking work advertisments today. The only reason for me not going insane at the moment is my three close workmates and this blog.


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